Section: Dissemination

Workshops, seminars, invitations, visitors

  • A. Seznec has presented a seminar on "What you will never have wanted to know on branch prediction" at AMD, Austin in Februray 2011.

  • A. Seznec has presented a lesson on "Microarchitecture for the dummies" at the winter school on "Hot Topics in Distributed Computing" from March 20th to March 25th 2011 in La Plagne.

  • Damien Hardy has presented a seminar on "WCET Analysis of Tasks Executed on Multicore Architectures with Shared Caches" at the University of Cyprus. February, 2011.

  • Isabelle Puaut, has presented a lesson on "Estimation de pires temps d'exécution (WCET - Worst-Case Execution Times)" at the "école d'été temps-réel" Brest, August 2011 2011

  • Isabelle Puaut has presented a seminar on "WCET estimation: from mono-core to multi-core architectures", at ENSTA Paris in May 2011 and at "Journées temps-réel multiprocesseur " from GDR ASR, Paris, May 2011

  • Erven Rohou gave an invited talk at the Technion Computer Engineering Club, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.

  • Erven Rohou gave an invited talk at the “Journée PEPI MACS”, organized by INRA, to foster interaction between computer scientists and biologists in need for computational power.

  • Erven Rohou gave a talk at the “Quatrièmes rencontres de la communauté française de compilation” in Strasbourg, December 2011.

  • Prof. Ahmed El-Mahdy, from the Egyptian-Japanese University of Science and Technology visited Inria (ALF and SYMBIOSE) to discuss collaboration options.